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Types of results
Levitate - Schwebe
Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Evades ground moves.
Introduced in generation: iii
Pokémon that can have this ability
#92 Gastly - Nebulak
#93 Haunter - Alpollo
#109 Koffing - Smogon
#110 Weezing - Smogmog
#200 Misdreavus - Traunfugil
#201 Unown - Icognito
#329 Vibrava
#330 Flygon - Libelldra
#337 Lunatone - Lunastein
#338 Solrock - Sonnfel
#343 Baltoy - Puppance
#344 Claydol - Lepumentas
#355 Duskull - Zwirrlicht
#358 Chimecho - Palimpalim
#380 Latias
#381 Latios
#429 Mismagius - Traunmagil
#433 Chingling - Klingplim
#436 Bronzor - Bronzel
#437 Bronzong
#455 Carnivine - Venuflibis
#479 Rotom
#480 Uxie - Selfe
#481 Mesprit - Vesprit
#482 Azelf - Tobutz
#488 Cresselia
#602 Tynamo - Zapplardin
#603 Eelektrik - Zapplalek
#604 Eelektross - Zapplarang
#615 Cryogonal - Frigometri
#635 Hydreigon - Trikephalo
#738 Vikavolt - Donarion