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Types of results
Swift Swim - Wassertempo
Raises SPEED in rain.
Doubles Speed during rain.
Introduced in generation: iii
Pokémon that can have this ability
#54 Psyduck - Enton
#55 Golduck - Entoron
#60 Poliwag - Quapsel
#61 Poliwhirl - Quaputzi
#62 Poliwrath - Quappo
#116 Horsea - Seeper
#118 Goldeen - Goldini
#119 Seaking - Golking
#129 Magikarp - Karpador
#138 Omanyte - Amonitas
#139 Omastar - Amoroso
#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops
#211 Qwilfish - Baldorfish
#226 Mantine - Mantax
#230 Kingdra - Seedraking
#270 Lotad - Loturzel
#271 Lombre - Lombrero
#272 Ludicolo - Kappalores
#283 Surskit - Gehweiher
#347 Anorith
#348 Armaldo
#349 Feebas - Barschwa
#367 Huntail - Aalabyss
#368 Gorebyss - Saganabyss
#369 Relicanth
#370 Luvdisc - Liebiskus
#418 Buizel - Bamelin
#419 Floatzel - Bojelin
#456 Finneon
#457 Lumineon
#458 Mantyke - Mantirps
#535 Tympole - Schallquap
#536 Palpitoad - Mebrana
#537 Seismitoad - Branawarz
#564 Tirtouga - Galapaflos
#565 Carracosta - Karippas
#614 Beartic - Siberio
#833 Chewtle - Kamehaps
#834 Drednaw - Kamalm
#846 Arrokuda - Pikuda
#847 Barraskewda - Barrakiefa
#902 Basculegion - Salmagnis
#904 Overqwil - Myriador