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Types of results
Run Away - Angsthase
Makes escaping easier.
Ensures success fleeing from wild battles.
Introduced in generation: iii
Pokémon that can have this ability
#10 Caterpie - Raupy
#13 Weedle - Hornliu
#19 Rattata - Rattfratz
#20 Raticate - Rattikarl
#43 Oddish - Myrapla
#48 Venonat - Bluzuk
#77 Ponyta - Ponita
#78 Rapidash - Gallopa
#84 Doduo - Dodu
#85 Dodrio - Dodri
#133 Eevee - Evoli
#161 Sentret - Wiesor
#162 Furret - Wiesenior
#190 Aipom - Griffel
#206 Dunsparce - Dummisel
#209 Snubbull
#261 Poochyena - Fiffyen
#265 Wurmple - Waumpel
#290 Nincada
#401 Kricketot - Zirpurze
#417 Pachirisu
#427 Buneary - Haspiror
#504 Patrat - Nagelotz
#506 Lillipup - Yorkleff
#827 Nickit - Kleptifux
#828 Thievul - Gaunux
#831 Wooloo - Wolly
#924 Tandemaus - Zwieps
#942 Maschiff - Mobtiff
#982 Dudunsparce - Dummimisel