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Types of results
Torrent - Sturzbach
Ups WATER moves in a pinch.
Strengthens water moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max HP or less.
Introduced in generation: iii
Pokémon that can have this ability
#7 Squirtle - Schiggy
#8 Wartortle - Schillok
#9 Blastoise - Turtok
#158 Totodile - Karnimani
#159 Croconaw - Tyracroc
#160 Feraligatr - Impergator
#258 Mudkip - Hydropi
#259 Marshtomp - Moorabbel
#260 Swampert - Sumpex
#393 Piplup - Plinfa
#394 Prinplup - Pliprin
#395 Empoleon - Impoleon
#501 Oshawott - Ottaro
#502 Dewott - Zwottronin
#503 Samurott - Admurai
#515 Panpour - Sodamak
#516 Simipour - Sodachita
#656 Froakie - Froxy
#657 Frogadier - Amphizel
#658 Greninja - Quajutsu
#728 Popplio - Robball
#729 Brionne - Marikeck
#730 Primarina - Primarene
#816 Sobble - Memmeon
#817 Drizzile - Phlegleon
#818 Inteleon - Intelleon
#912 Quaxly - Kwaks
#913 Quaxwell - Fuentente
#914 Quaquaval - Bailonda